2013年5月29日 星期三

Moths find modern street lights irresistible

Researchers found that moths are more attracted by the brighter white lighting that is increasingly being installed on roads around Britain compared to the older traditional orange street lights.

They say moths find white light or slightly bluish light irresistible and will exhaust themselves by flying around the lights rather than mating or searching for food.

Predators also find it easier to pick the insects off due to the large congregations that gather around modern street lamps.

Professor Richard Ffrench-Constant, a biologist at the University of Exeter who led the study, said: “Just like with butterflies, we have seen moth numbers declining dramatically, but because they are active at night, we are less aware of them.

“Habitat loss has certainly played a role in the declines of moths, but we have found that they different types of moths are attracted to different wavelengths of light.”

 “If you use white light or solar lamp with a broad spectrum of wavelengths, then it will attract more moths and that completely disrupts their natural behaviour.”

“They are not mating or feeding on flowers. They tend to circle around the light until they get exhausted and fall to the ground.”

There are around 2,000 species of moths in the UK compared to just 52 species of butterfly.

They play an essential role in helping to pollinate flowers while also providing a key link in the food chain for bats and birds.

Recent research of large, common moths in Britain showed that two thirds have declined by around 28 per cent in the past four decades.

Some species, such as the V-moth, once a common sight in gardens, have suffered declines of up to 99 per cent, according to the work by wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation.

While habitat loss is thought to be among the main causes for their decline, the switch from traditional orange street lighting to whiter lights has also been blamed.

It is not known why moths are attracted to street light, but some theories suggest they use natural light the stars and moon to navigate, and artificial light disorientates them.

Traditional street lights use high pressure sodium bulbs, producing an orange or yellow glow, while modern lights tend to use metal halide bulbs that produce shorter wavelength of light that appears white or slightly blue in colour.

Professor Ffrench-Constant and PHD student Robin Somers-Yeates, whose work is published in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters, found that more species were attracted to the newer lights.

They also found the lights attracted more individuals than the older moths.

Professor Ffrench-Constant said that turning street lights off at night where possible could help to reduce the toll they have on moth numbers.

Astronomers and wildlife campaigners have been pushing for a reduction in light pollution at night due to fears about the impact it has on the environment.

Professor Ffench-Constant added that using new LED bulbs in street lights may help to reduce the impact they have on moths as can produce a single colour of light.

